People buy on in order to make room for a prospective buyer you need to allow them to emotionally connect with your Calabasas property and mentally "move in" so that they can envisage their family living in this space. Here are my Top 10 Staging Tips to make this happen:
- De- Clutter. The first step is to get organized and de-clutter the house. Go room by room and pack away everything that is not needed into banker boxes. This will allow you to label them and stack them with ease in either the garage or in a storage unit.
- De-Personalize. Nothing is more distracting to the buyer than your personal photos, diplomas or collections. We want the buyer to look at the home not at your personal life. Remove anything that can link you to a religion, sports team, college or political party. This is of paramount importance since we do not want to exclude or offend a potential buyer in any way.
- Remove Heavy Drapery. Buyers are looking for "light and bright" so...